For instructions on how to authenticate to use this endpoint, see API overview.
Retry a batch export run.
We use the same underlying mechanism as when backfilling a batch export, as retrying a run is the same as backfilling one run.
Create environments batch exports runs retry
Required API key scopes
Path parameters
- batch_export_idstring
The BatchExport this run belongs to.
- idstring
A UUID string identifying this batch export run.
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
Request parameters
- status
The status of this run.
- CancelledCompleted
- CompletedContinuedAsNew
- Continued As NewFailed
- FailedFailedRetryable
- Failed RetryableTerminated
- TerminatedTimedOut
- TimedoutRunning
- RunningStarting
- Starting
- records_completedinteger
The number of records that have been exported.
- latest_errorstring
The latest error that occurred during this run.
- data_interval_startstring
The start of the data interval.
- data_interval_endstring
The end of the data interval.
- cursorstring
An opaque cursor that may be used to resume.
- finished_atstring
The timestamp at which this BatchExportRun finished, successfully or not.
- records_total_countinteger
The total count of records that should be exported in this BatchExportRun.
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl-H 'Content-Type: application/json'\-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/batch_exports/:batch_export_id/runs/:id/retry/\-d status=undefined,\-d data_interval_end="string"
Status 200 No response body
Create environments batch exports runs retry
Required API key scopes
Path parameters
- batch_export_idstring
The BatchExport this run belongs to.
- idstring
A UUID string identifying this batch export run.
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
Request parameters
- status
The status of this run.
- CancelledCompleted
- CompletedContinuedAsNew
- Continued As NewFailed
- FailedFailedRetryable
- Failed RetryableTerminated
- TerminatedTimedOut
- TimedoutRunning
- RunningStarting
- Starting
- records_completedinteger
The number of records that have been exported.
- latest_errorstring
The latest error that occurred during this run.
- data_interval_startstring
The start of the data interval.
- data_interval_endstring
The end of the data interval.
- cursorstring
An opaque cursor that may be used to resume.
- finished_atstring
The timestamp at which this BatchExportRun finished, successfully or not.
- records_total_countinteger
The total count of records that should be exported in this BatchExportRun.
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl-H 'Content-Type: application/json'\-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/batch_exports/:batch_export_id/runs/:id/retry/\-d status=undefined,\-d data_interval_end="string"
Status 200 No response body
Retrieve environments batch exports
Required API key scopes
Path parameters
- idstring
A UUID string identifying this batch export.
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl \-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/batch_exports/:id/
Status 200
{"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08","team_id": 0,"name": "string","model": "events","destination": {"type": "S3","config": null},"interval": "hour","paused": true,"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","last_updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","last_paused_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","start_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","end_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","latest_runs": [{"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08","status": "Cancelled","records_completed": -2147483648,"latest_error": "string","data_interval_start": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","data_interval_end": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","cursor": "string","created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","finished_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","last_updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","records_total_count": -2147483648,"batch_export": "0fa0a8a1-f280-4977-8bb4-bc7801a6902f"}],"hogql_query": "string","schema": null}
Retrieve environments batch exports
Required API key scopes
Path parameters
- idstring
A UUID string identifying this batch export.
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl \-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/batch_exports/:id/
Status 200
{"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08","team_id": 0,"name": "string","model": "events","destination": {"type": "S3","config": null},"interval": "hour","paused": true,"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","last_updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","last_paused_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","start_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","end_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","latest_runs": [{"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08","status": "Cancelled","records_completed": -2147483648,"latest_error": "string","data_interval_start": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","data_interval_end": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","cursor": "string","created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","finished_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","last_updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","records_total_count": -2147483648,"batch_export": "0fa0a8a1-f280-4977-8bb4-bc7801a6902f"}],"hogql_query": "string","schema": null}
Update environments batch exports
Required API key scopes
Path parameters
- idstring
A UUID string identifying this batch export.
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
Request parameters
- namestring
A human-readable name for this BatchExport.
- model
Which model this BatchExport is exporting.
- Eventspersons
- Persons
- destination
- interval
- pausedboolean
Whether this BatchExport is paused or not.
- last_paused_atstring
The timestamp at which this BatchExport was last paused.
- start_atstring
Time before which any Batch Export runs won't be triggered.
- end_atstring
Time after which any Batch Export runs won't be triggered.
- hogql_querystring
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl -X PATCH \-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/batch_exports/:id/\-d team_id="integer"
Status 200
{"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08","team_id": 0,"name": "string","model": "events","destination": {"type": "S3","config": null},"interval": "hour","paused": true,"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","last_updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","last_paused_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","start_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","end_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","latest_runs": [{"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08","status": "Cancelled","records_completed": -2147483648,"latest_error": "string","data_interval_start": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","data_interval_end": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","cursor": "string","created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","finished_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","last_updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","records_total_count": -2147483648,"batch_export": "0fa0a8a1-f280-4977-8bb4-bc7801a6902f"}],"hogql_query": "string","schema": null}
Update environments batch exports
Required API key scopes
Path parameters
- idstring
A UUID string identifying this batch export.
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
Request parameters
- namestring
A human-readable name for this BatchExport.
- model
Which model this BatchExport is exporting.
- Eventspersons
- Persons
- destination
- interval
- pausedboolean
Whether this BatchExport is paused or not.
- last_paused_atstring
The timestamp at which this BatchExport was last paused.
- start_atstring
Time before which any Batch Export runs won't be triggered.
- end_atstring
Time after which any Batch Export runs won't be triggered.
- hogql_querystring
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl -X PATCH \-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/batch_exports/:id/\-d team_id="integer"
Status 200
{"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08","team_id": 0,"name": "string","model": "events","destination": {"type": "S3","config": null},"interval": "hour","paused": true,"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","last_updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","last_paused_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","start_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","end_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","latest_runs": [{"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08","status": "Cancelled","records_completed": -2147483648,"latest_error": "string","data_interval_start": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","data_interval_end": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","cursor": "string","created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","finished_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","last_updated_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","records_total_count": -2147483648,"batch_export": "0fa0a8a1-f280-4977-8bb4-bc7801a6902f"}],"hogql_query": "string","schema": null}
Delete environments batch exports
Required API key scopes
Path parameters
- idstring
A UUID string identifying this batch export.
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl -X DELETE \-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/batch_exports/:id/
Status 204 No response body
Delete environments batch exports
Required API key scopes
Path parameters
- idstring
A UUID string identifying this batch export.
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl -X DELETE \-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/batch_exports/:id/
Status 204 No response body
Create environments batch exports backfill
Trigger a backfill for a BatchExport.
Required API key scopes
Path parameters
- idstring
A UUID string identifying this batch export.
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
Request parameters
- namestring
A human-readable name for this BatchExport.
- model
Which model this BatchExport is exporting.
- Eventspersons
- Persons
- destination
- interval
- pausedboolean
Whether this BatchExport is paused or not.
- last_paused_atstring
The timestamp at which this BatchExport was last paused.
- start_atstring
Time before which any Batch Export runs won't be triggered.
- end_atstring
Time after which any Batch Export runs won't be triggered.
- hogql_querystring
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl-H 'Content-Type: application/json'\-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/batch_exports/:id/backfill/\-d name="string",\-d destination=undefined,\-d interval=undefined
Status 200 No response body
Create environments batch exports backfill
Trigger a backfill for a BatchExport.
Required API key scopes
Path parameters
- idstring
A UUID string identifying this batch export.
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
Request parameters
- namestring
A human-readable name for this BatchExport.
- model
Which model this BatchExport is exporting.
- Eventspersons
- Persons
- destination
- interval
- pausedboolean
Whether this BatchExport is paused or not.
- last_paused_atstring
The timestamp at which this BatchExport was last paused.
- start_atstring
Time before which any Batch Export runs won't be triggered.
- end_atstring
Time after which any Batch Export runs won't be triggered.
- hogql_querystring
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl-H 'Content-Type: application/json'\-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/batch_exports/:id/backfill/\-d name="string",\-d destination=undefined,\-d interval=undefined
Status 200 No response body
Retrieve environments batch exports logs
Path parameters
- idstring
A UUID string identifying this batch export.
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl \-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/batch_exports/:id/logs/
Status 200 No response body
Retrieve environments batch exports logs
Path parameters
- idstring
A UUID string identifying this batch export.
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl \-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/batch_exports/:id/logs/
Status 200 No response body
Create environments batch exports pause
Pause a BatchExport.
Required API key scopes
Path parameters
- idstring
A UUID string identifying this batch export.
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
Request parameters
- namestring
A human-readable name for this BatchExport.
- model
Which model this BatchExport is exporting.
- Eventspersons
- Persons
- destination
- interval
- pausedboolean
Whether this BatchExport is paused or not.
- last_paused_atstring
The timestamp at which this BatchExport was last paused.
- start_atstring
Time before which any Batch Export runs won't be triggered.
- end_atstring
Time after which any Batch Export runs won't be triggered.
- hogql_querystring
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl-H 'Content-Type: application/json'\-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/batch_exports/:id/pause/\-d name="string",\-d destination=undefined,\-d interval=undefined
Status 200 No response body
Create environments batch exports pause
Pause a BatchExport.
Required API key scopes
Path parameters
- idstring
A UUID string identifying this batch export.
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
Request parameters
- namestring
A human-readable name for this BatchExport.
- model
Which model this BatchExport is exporting.
- Eventspersons
- Persons
- destination
- interval
- pausedboolean
Whether this BatchExport is paused or not.
- last_paused_atstring
The timestamp at which this BatchExport was last paused.
- start_atstring
Time before which any Batch Export runs won't be triggered.
- end_atstring
Time after which any Batch Export runs won't be triggered.
- hogql_querystring
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl-H 'Content-Type: application/json'\-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/batch_exports/:id/pause/\-d name="string",\-d destination=undefined,\-d interval=undefined
Status 200 No response body
Create environments batch exports unpause
Unpause a BatchExport.
Required API key scopes
Path parameters
- idstring
A UUID string identifying this batch export.
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
Request parameters
- namestring
A human-readable name for this BatchExport.
- model
Which model this BatchExport is exporting.
- Eventspersons
- Persons
- destination
- interval
- pausedboolean
Whether this BatchExport is paused or not.
- last_paused_atstring
The timestamp at which this BatchExport was last paused.
- start_atstring
Time before which any Batch Export runs won't be triggered.
- end_atstring
Time after which any Batch Export runs won't be triggered.
- hogql_querystring
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl-H 'Content-Type: application/json'\-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/batch_exports/:id/unpause/\-d name="string",\-d destination=undefined,\-d interval=undefined
Status 200 No response body
Create environments batch exports unpause
Unpause a BatchExport.
Required API key scopes
Path parameters
- idstring
A UUID string identifying this batch export.
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
Request parameters
- namestring
A human-readable name for this BatchExport.
- model
Which model this BatchExport is exporting.
- Eventspersons
- Persons
- destination
- interval
- pausedboolean
Whether this BatchExport is paused or not.
- last_paused_atstring
The timestamp at which this BatchExport was last paused.
- start_atstring
Time before which any Batch Export runs won't be triggered.
- end_atstring
Time after which any Batch Export runs won't be triggered.
- hogql_querystring
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl-H 'Content-Type: application/json'\-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/batch_exports/:id/unpause/\-d name="string",\-d destination=undefined,\-d interval=undefined
Status 200 No response body
List all environments dashboards
Adds an "access_controls" action to the viewset that handles access control for the given resource
Why a mixin? We want to easily add this to any existing resource, including providing easy helpers for adding access control info such as the current users access level to any response.
Required API key scopes
Path parameters
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
Query parameters
- limitinteger
Number of results to return per page.
- offsetinteger
The initial index from which to return the results.
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl \-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/dashboards/
Status 200
{"count": 123,"next": "http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100","previous": "http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100","results": [{"id": 0,"name": "string","description": "string","pinned": true,"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","created_by": {"id": 0,"uuid": "095be615-a8ad-4c33-8e9c-c7612fbf6c9f","distinct_id": "string","first_name": "string","last_name": "string","email": "user@example.com","is_email_verified": true,"hedgehog_config": {"property1": null,"property2": null},"role_at_organization": "engineering"},"is_shared": true,"deleted": true,"creation_mode": "default","tags": [null],"restriction_level": 21,"effective_restriction_level": 21,"effective_privilege_level": 21,"user_access_level": "string"}]}
List all environments dashboards
Adds an "access_controls" action to the viewset that handles access control for the given resource
Why a mixin? We want to easily add this to any existing resource, including providing easy helpers for adding access control info such as the current users access level to any response.
Required API key scopes
Path parameters
- project_idstring
Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.
Query parameters
- limitinteger
Number of results to return per page.
- offsetinteger
The initial index from which to return the results.
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]curl \-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \<ph_app_host>/api/environments/:project_id/dashboards/
Status 200
{"count": 123,"next": "http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100","previous": "http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100","results": [{"id": 0,"name": "string","description": "string","pinned": true,"created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z","created_by": {"id": 0,"uuid": "095be615-a8ad-4c33-8e9c-c7612fbf6c9f","distinct_id": "string","first_name": "string","last_name": "string","email": "user@example.com","is_email_verified": true,"hedgehog_config": {"property1": null,"property2": null},"role_at_organization": "engineering"},"is_shared": true,"deleted": true,"creation_mode": "default","tags": [null],"restriction_level": 21,"effective_restriction_level": 21,"effective_privilege_level": 21,"user_access_level": "string"}]}